право 300

SILA International Lawyers company is in rating of leading law firms in Russia (“Pravo.ru-300”)

On December 6, 2018, the results of the annual rating of “Pravo.ru-300”, the most significant and independent rating in the legal sphere, was published.

SILA International Lawyers was noticed in labor and immigration law nomination an also has won a special nomination of the rating – “Lawmaking” with the draft of the federal law “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the preparation and holding of the European Football Championship UEFA 2020”.

In 2020, the European Football Championship UEFA 2020 final tournament will be played in St. Petersburg. The government issued to the tournament organizer, UEFA, a number of guarantees, the mechanisms for implementing which were necessary to be specified in the legislation. This goal serves the bill. It establishes a number of features related to the championship in the application of migration and labor laws, security, currency operations and customs regulation, transportation, intellectual property protection, taxation and other areas, which need to be changed for the success of the event. Our lawyers advised the Russian Football Union, accompanied the bill before being submitted to the State Duma and coordinated it with UEFA. Now the document is adopted by the State Duma on the first reading.

We are super proud to be among leaders of the Russian legal servicesf or the second year in a row.