Der FIFA-Hauptsitz beim Eindunkeln, aufgenommen am Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2010, in Zuerich. Der Weltfussballverband FIFA hat bei der internen Ethikkommission ein Verfahren gegen zwei Mitglieder seines Exekutivkomitees eingeleitet. Fifa-Vizepraesident Reynald Temarii und Fifa-Vorstandsmitglied Amos Adamu werden beschuldigt, bestechlich zu sein. (KEYSTONE/Steffen Schmidt)

The Headquarters of the International Football Association FIFA in Zurich, Switzerland, on Wednesday, October 20, 2010. FIFA's ethics court began hearing corruption allegations on Wednesday against executive committee members Amos Adamu and Reynald Temarii, and at least two countries bidding to host the 2018 and 2022 World Cups. (KEYSTONE/Steffen Schmidt)

FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber (DRC) decided in favor of the player Idris Kabiru (Nigeria) in in his employment-related dispute against US Ben Guerdane (Tunisia)

FIFA DRC accepted the player’s claim for outstanding remuneration and compensation for breach of contract.

SILA International Lawyers represented Idris Kabiru in the proceedings before FIFA.